2.9.2007 Lovely to be home
I had access to almost no music for two weeks, didn't go to any clubs over there, or go to any shows except for this wonderful break-dancing-to-traditional-Korean-music theater production. Break-dancing is a national passion in Korea. Really.
Today Sandy McKnight stopped by and talked about songwriting, producing, making music. It was great except I hear my mike was off for the first part of the interview. Damn. We were in a nice groove from the git-go.
Did you see the bump Haale got in the Times this week? Yeow!
Morells, That Mellow Saxophone
Tom Waits, Shore Leave, Falling Down (live in Akron Nov. 2006)
Splatter Trio, If Then, Crumple, Progress
McCoy Tyner Quartet, Rebirth (live 1972)
Kate Campbell, Mississippi and Me
Murray Lachlan Young, Do Wah Diddy
Sparks, Dick Around
Pete Shelley, Homosapien
Iggy, Five Foot One
Sandy McNight interview and performance
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